Issei at Expo West 2024!

Issei at Expo West 2024!

We had another incredible time at Natural Products Expo 2024!

When we did our first booth ever at Natural Products Expo last year, we were just six months old, fresh off of our exclusive launch with Whole Foods Market in 170 doors. We were completely new on the scene, with no contacts, no knowledge of the food industry and no understanding of how expos worked. Now in our second year, it is incredible to see how much an idea can grow in just 12 months - thanks to our amazing retail partners who believed in us and gave us a chance, leading us to be on the shelves to 850+ stores in the U.S. and in the Middle East, to our growing team working on all fronts including new flavors/innovations, as well as a group of mentors/advisors who make us stronger. We are so grateful for it all.

Bravo to our amazing Issei expo team for their hard work, including Margaret Allen, our new VP of Sales who started with us on the first day of the expo, and to everyone who stopped by to try our mochi gummies - all of our fabulous retail partners, as well as new friends and familiar CPG friends we’ve made along the way.

Only up from here! 💕🚀
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